Westside Nannies believes that every family deserves an amazing nanny.
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Raising Global Citizens: The Lifelong Benefits of Learning a Second Language (And Why Hiring a Bilingual Nanny is a Game Changer)
by Westside Nannies | Nov 7, 2024 | Family Blog, Featured Family Blog
We’re sure you’ve heard it before: the best time to learn a second language is as a child. But why does obtaining this skill make such an impact? Whether you’re already a multilingual household or just considering the idea of second language skills for your family,...
The Simplest Ways to Provide Spending Money to Your Nanny
by Westside Nannies | Feb 20, 2019 | Family Blog | 0 Comments
Having an active nanny who runs errands, grocery shops, and takes children to fun places like the zoo or children’s museum means that your nanny will need money to spend while he or she is on the clock. For many families, figuring out how to cover these expenses in a...
How Much Housekeeping Should You Be Expecting From Your Nanny?
by Westside Nannies | Feb 7, 2019 | Family Blog | 0 Comments
There’s no question that nannies make the world go ‘round for the families who employ them. Many of them take on everything from serving up healthy snacks to carting the children to Tuesday afternoon soccer practice. But before nannies can commence with being...
Why Every Single Hiring Parent Needs to Know About TrustLine
by Westside Nannies | Jan 29, 2019 | Family Blog | 0 Comments
For most parents, the most important part of hiring a new caregiver is making sure they’re offering the job to someone they can trust. That’s why so many parents seek referrals from people they know, used trusted agencies like Westside Nannies, and run background...
9 Apps That Make Life So Much Easier for Nannies and Families
by Westside Nannies | Jan 17, 2019 | Family Blog, Nanny Blog | 0 Comments
Technology has offered us more ways than ever to stay connected to family and friends. We can upload things to Instagram, email photos, Tweet, post on Snapchat. But social media isn’t the only good to come from technology. There are also so many apps that can be used...
How to Ace Those Tough Conversations With Your Caregiver
by Westside Nannies | Jan 11, 2019 | Family Blog | 0 Comments
For the most part, having a professional caregiver is amazing. You have someone who is there with your children day in and day out, who cares for them almost as much as you do, and who is committed to providing them with a safe and happy environment. But being...
My Ex-Nanny Filed for Unemployment – Now What?
by Westside Nannies | Jan 3, 2019 | Family Blog | 0 Comments
All good things come to an end, and unfortunately that includes most employment relationships. Whether a nanny is let go because of an impending move, leaves for a different position, or is terminated due to a performance issue, navigating the “conscious uncoupling”...