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Parents Concerned About Safety As Preschools Re-Open

Parents are Pouring Money into Unconventional Extracurriculars

Nannies with Coronavirus Antibodies are in High Demand

Nannies to ‘private educators,’ wealthy parents are paying up to $100 an hour for ‘teaching pods’ during the pandemic

Childcare in the Midst of a Pandemic

Wealthy Families are Hiring Nannies to Create Private ‘Summer Camps’ at Home

Panicked Parents Pick up Kids, Try to Figure out Future after Coronavirus School Closures

“The nannies are heroes right now and that story is not being told”, Provinziano said.

Parents are spending $125,000 a year on at-home education pods to protect kids from coronavirus risks at school

The Coronavirus Crisis is Hitting Childcare Workers Especially Hard

The Nanny Factor in Hollywood Marriages

The VIP Suite … for the Nanny

Chefs, Nannies and Housekeepers: How Hollywood’s Elite Staffs Up at Home

Nannies Take on Extra Duties as Households Economize

Agents to the Stars Reveal What it Takes to Work as a Nanny in Hollywood

Dear Ms. Etiquette: How Much Am I Supposed to Tip During the Holidays Anyway?

Nanny Drama in Hollywood

Demand for Chinese-Speaking Nannies on the Rise

Five Nannies Who Make Over $100,000 a Year

10 Questions For Your Nanny

Hollywood: Who are the nannies of stars?

Here’s What it Takes to be a Nanny to the Stars

Sundance: How to Bring Your Nanny to the Festival

Hollywood’s Most Popular Nanny

Inside the 13-hour day of an Elite Nanny for the Ultra-Wealthy

11 employment benefits families should consider offering their nannies
Book Mentions
city baby l.a.
City Baby LA touts our “niche” business and selective screening, “Only a small percentage of candidates are accepted.”
The Hot Mom’s Handbook
The “Drool Worthy” Agency of Choice for Celeb Moms
Podcast Guest Appearances

Nanny To The Rescue – A Chat With Katie Provinziano

Hiring Private Educators & Nannies – Katie Provinziano, Westside Nannies (Beverly Hills)

Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater with Brandi Glanville

Let’s Play a Game