Crafting an exceptional, standout resume is your ticket to landing that dream position. You’ve followed the dos and don’ts of resume creation, but you want to know how you can truly get your dream family’s attention. The question is, what can you do to make your resume shine like a beacon in the sea of applicants?

We’ve got you covered with some expert advice.

Lifelong Learning for a Stronger Resume
Ever considered advancing your knowledge and skills? Enrolling in courses related to childcare can be a game-changer. Courses like Montessori techniques, nutrition and cooking for kids, or even postpartum doula training not only enhance your qualifications but also show potential employers your passion and dedication. So, find a subject that sparks your interest, and go for it! It’s like giving your resume a certifiable upgrade.

Embrace Your Journey: All Experiences Count
Are you hesitating to include some of your older professional experiences? Don’t! Every relevant position you’ve held, regardless of how long ago, matters. Those early experiences have contributed to your growth and skillset. If they were paid and professional roles, they are valuable additions to your resume.

Building Trust: The Power of References
References are arguably the most important part of your application. The more shining endorsements you have, the more sparkle your profile exudes. While your prior employers are the top-choice references, consider diversifying your reference pool. What about including letters from a mentor who guided you through your early years as a nanny or even a co-nanny you worked alongside? A variety of references paints a fuller picture of your capabilities and character. Potential employers love seeing well-rounded nannies who are highly regarded by a diverse group of people.

The Compassion Connection: Volunteering on Your Resume
Nannies are known for their generous spirits and commitment to serving others. If you have volunteering experience that exhibits these traits, why not include them in your resume? Volunteering not only showcases your altruism but also adds depth to your professional profile. Consider dedicating your time to volunteer work that aligns with your career path or unique skills. For instance, if you have a background in education, tutoring underserved children could be a meaningful way to contribute. Adding your volunteer experience to a resume speaks volumes.

Remember, your resume is an introduction to you as a nanny. With the right touches and the personalization that reflects your journey, it can stand out and draw the attention it deserves. So, take a course, embrace your entire professional history, gather references like treasures, and let your compassion shine through volunteer experiences. Your future nanny family will be thrilled to have you on board!