10 Reasons Why Progressive Families Are Hiring Private Educators
Families who classify themselves as progressive or having a progressive parenting style are on the rise, and this phrase isn’t just a way of showing political affiliation. When used in a familial context, “progressive” embodies a set of values and parenting choices...
Travel More and Give Your Child a Superior Education with a Private Educator
Whether you travel frequently for work, split time between residences, or simply wish to maintain a travel-heavy lifestyle, homeschooling is often the solution to many difficulties presented by doing these things with children. And using a private educator to...
How a Private Educator Gives You the Flexibility You Need
Many parents considering homeschooling with a private educator are intimidated by what feels like a huge commitment. However, the truth is that this decision could, quite possibly, offer your family more flexibility and freedom than any other single change you could...
How a Private Educator Can Give You Peace of Mind During COVID-19
As the country cautiously reopens, great uncertainty remains about what a future with COVID-19 will look like, and no topic is more fraught with uncertainty than what the reopening of school will bring in the fall. The CDC has recently released guidance for schools...Page 1 of 1