When you’re working with young children, dealing with cuts, bumps, scrapes, and bruises is just another part of the job description. Few people are more accident-prone than toddlers and school-aged kids, and that’s why having a well-stocked first aid kit is a must for anyone in childcare. Many families keep a first aid kit at home, but as a nanny, it’s a good idea to put together one of your own so that you always have it handy should an accident happen on the go.

For a lot of children, the idea of letting someone clean and dress a boo-boo or apply ointment to a bug bite can be a little bit scary. That’s why we recommend not only putting together a first aid kit that has every essentially you could possibly need, but also finding ways to make it fun for the children. Here is everything you need for a complete first aid kit, plus some fun and unique ideas to keep it child friendly.

Cartoon Band-Aid
Band-Aids are so much cooler when they have pictures of the Paw Patrol pups or they feature Disney princesses. For a fully stocked first aid kit, you should have Band-Aids in a variety of shapes and sizes to treat different types of wounds. Most of the character Band-Aids only come in one size, so it might be a good idea to stock up on some fun stickers to give in the event that the injury requires a “boring” Band-Aid.

Sterile Gauze Pads, Elastic Bandage Tape, and Scissors
You’ll rarely need to use sterile gauze or bandage tape, but these are important things to have in the event that a wound requires more than a typical bandage. There’s even elastic bandage tape with dinosaurs!

Tweezers and a Small Magnifying Glass
These are ideal supplies for removing splinters and insect stingers. Plus, what child wouldn’t want the chance to hold a tiny magnifying glass while you tend to their injury?

Instant ice packs and a cute cover
Instant ice packs are great for on-the-go care because they don’t require a freezer. You can also carry a lovable stuffed animal ice pack pouch to protect children’s skin from the cold.

“Magic” Numbing Spray
It’s not really magic, but the children will think it is. An over-the-counter numbing spray can soothe the pain of minor cuts, burns, and scrapes in children ages 2+. Note that it’s not recommended for use on serious open wounds.

Creams, Ointments, and Over-the-Counter Medications
It’s a good idea to have a selection of treatments for pain, burns, itching, and allergies. The most common essentials include:

  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Burn cream
  • Neosporin
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen
  • Benadryl

A First Aid Friend
Consider buying a small stuffed animal, like this cuddly hedgehog or a toy of your choosing, that can comfort children while first aid is being administered. Often, the hardest part of treating an injury is alleviating the child’s stress and anxiety. A lovie or stuffed toy can make the process feel safer and more comfortable.

Additional tools you might want to keep in your first aid kit include latex gloves for avoiding contamination, a bulb syringe or small water bottle for flushing wounds, a small flashlight, and a thermometer.

A great resource for nannies and parents alike is the First Aid app by the American Red Cross, which provides a searchable index of the recommended first aid practices for different types of injuries. It’s available in the iTunes App Store and on Google Play. You can also text “GETFIRST” to 90999.

Westside Nannies encourages caregivers to obtain a parent’s permission before administering first aid or medication. Families employing childcare providers may also need to sign a medical release authorization medical attention.